Syrox website loader


After your site is live we don't stop there, we continue to work with you, supporting your site, monitoring performance and evaluating how best to increase your ROI through Digital Marketing and support.

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Analytics and reporting is an essential tool in understanding the way users are finding, viewing and using your website, acting on this information we can help increase conversion rates through site tweaks and on page optimisation.

By implementing a host of tracking tools you will be able to and understand and evaluate user behaviour, their journey from homepage to checkout, which pages they prefer to view, which buttons they prefer to click even the keywords they use to find your site. All of which is essential information in the ever evolving world of e-commerce, by understanding your customer we can improve their experience and optimise your site’s potential through content and page layout tweaks improving conversion rates as well as providing valuable data for SEO techniques.

If you are undertake any paid campaigns such as Adwords, Google Shopping, affiliate, emails etc. by cross referencing various reports and data you will be able to establish which campaigns, keywords and products generate the greatest increase profits and which ones are lest value for money.



Your website is only part the journey, to build a successful online brand it’s all about visibility and engagement, we can help market your site, keeping it updated, fresh and engaging.

Search Engine Optimisation in simple terms is the process of improving your website search engine visibility through the fine tuning of structure and content. Organic SEO refers to non-paid traffic sources and covers on-page optimisation, meta-data, URLs, keywords, schemers, XML site maps and validators. By tailoring content to best suit these parameters will increase your site search rankings. Digital Marketing on the other hand covers paid services and traffic generators such as Adwords, Google Shopping, FaceBook & Instagram products, affiliates, advertising and email remarketing.

We understand which techniques are worth investing in and can help manage your SEO internally or via a 3rd party specialists. We find specialists can be extremely cost effective if manged correctly and prefer working this way rather than hiding behind white-label services. Thus giving you flexibility in both the agencies and services you want to invest in, backup with Syrox experience and expertise.



From Instagram posts to YouTube videos, social media is all about creating a buzz, social networking has created the opportunity of connecting with your customers on a less intrusive more collaborative approach, creating stronger bonds.

Although most aspects of Digital Marketing may require expert knowledge to run cost effective campaigns, social media is one discipline where you the owner can excel over the agencies. Drawing upon your in-depth product and customer knowledge and focusing your posts and tweets creating maximum impact. However if you feel you may need some assistance that’s not a problem we can work with you planning your strategy to coincide with seasonal and current trends, help you create posts or carry out your full campaign.

Your posts, pictures and tweets can be backed up through the use of social APIs, placing widgets on strategic pages encouraging users to engage through media rich content, inviting them share their purchases, follow your posts and latest offerings, enter competitions and surveys whilst sharing this with their friends. Syrox can help build a lasting presence across all the latest social networking platforms.


Email Marketing and GDPR

Email communication is an essential tool in retaining customers and increasing sales, being relatively inexpensive and a great first step into Digital Marketing.

Through list building and segmentation you can fine tune your email campaigns to specific groups sending them focused relevant information, increasing the call to action. Our sites can include a cost effective email broadcast solution to manage lists, segmentation based on product purchases, spend values, currencies and regions, as well as recording deliverability, opened and click through rates, ensuring optimum click-through and conversion for future emails. All our solutions have cart abandonment where you track abandoned checkouts sending the potential customer a number of reminder emails included flexible discounts.

Through the use of these tools we can help you develop an effective email strategy to attract new customers, build your own ‘opt-in’ database, promote repeat business and build brand loyalty, including a full design and build service if required. Whilst conforming to the latest General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) rules and regulations.



Whether it is retouching products, adding content or creating that extra web page, we are always here to help.

As in all retail, you have keep your site looking fresh and engaging, homepages should be tweaked weekly incorporating the latest and seasonal trends, new products added and even the occasional promotion. To help you, we can offer a full range of in-house design and management services incorporating the latest design, technology and usability practices, or it could be just another pair of hands during those busy periods.

We understand best practices when it comes to e-commerce design and layout, following the latest in user experience (UX), increasing customer retention and conversion rate. We also offer AB Testing where the site presents potential customers different content/layouts/functionality, measuring which increases or decreases conversion rates. Then implementing these increases, we can help finely tune and optimise your site to increase customer conversion rates (CRO), basket values and revenue.


Great value bespoke sites

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